I purchased this coffee table 8 years ago for $20 on Facebook Marketplace and in those 3 years it has had 3 different looks. I have loved each one during those times but most of all I am reusing a piece of furniture I love, just changing the look for where I am at in …
The time has come! I finally made Shaker cabinet doors for our built-in bookcase! I have wanted to make cabinet doors for about 7 years now but I have always been so intimidated thinking that they need to be so perfect and I am not a perfect DIYer. Caulk is my best friend. After doing …
I have been fighting with this space for awhile now. It’s our side entrance, that basically us and everyone of our good friends use to get into our home. It’s full of shoes, dirt, and doesn’t feel fresh anymore. So I decided that the catch all wood organizer hanging on the wall needs to go …
For the eight years I we have lived in our home I have wanted some sort of buffet piece in our dining room. The only problem was it had to be a narrow piece because of the minimal space, and we also had a baseboard electric heater on that wall. After years of using shelves …
A few weeks ago a friend was over and we were just talking about our homes and she was saying that she really wanted to learn how to makeover furniture like I do. Then she asked me a question I never really thought about. “What furniture have you purchased new?” I started to think about …
Newsflash. Some projects just don’t go the way you want them to. I am no exception. If you follow me on Instagram, you would have seen my plan to remove the backsplash in my kitchen. It’s the same tile as our countertops as well as the old tile that was on the floor, and I …
I always wanted a large, make a statement fabric headboard, but they can be so expensive! I knew I could DIY it. I wanted a soft, fabric headboard that would be comfortable to watch tv, and relax in our bed. I had forgotten to take photos as I was going along but you will still …
These videos were part of my DIY an Ornament series on Facebook Live during the month of November. I wanted to put them in one place incase you missed them or just need to reference them back. I love doing these video series for you. Last year my DIY A Gift Series was such a …
A couple of weeks ago I shared my new board and batten that we put up next to our door to make a little “kid zone”. Just an update, They love it, Henry is so excited to hang up his coat and put his shoes under his little stool! Anyway there was a blank area …
Ever come across something while shopping and have so many ideas come to you instantly? That’s what happened while shopping at Home Depot and found 24″ grading stakes that were inexpensive for a huge pack! The first idea that came to my head was lining our walkway with little snowmen made with these stakes. I …
A few years ago we added board and batten to our side entry which is how we always go in and out of our home. I wanted to add it to have a place for the kids to sit, hang our coats, storage and just make it inviting when we walk in. We have had …
While I have been on a purging kick since we found out my husband needed open heart surgery, I have been finding the craziest items. Mostly junk items I have no idea why my hate clutter self had been keeping. One item is this County Atlas. I purchased this 13 years ago when I became …
If you have been following me on Facebook you might have caught my series last year DIY A Gift. It was a series for 12 weeks on Facebook Live where I created, in real time, a DIY Gift for the holiday season or really any occasion. I wanted to inspire you again this year so …
We just got back from spending time at the lake at our family’s cottage for the last time this summer. My kids favorite thing to do is go to the cottage, hang out with Grammie and Pa and look for sea glass and shells on the beach. For Christmas my Mom and Dad got each …
Do you ever have that one project in your home and every time you see it you just have to take a moment and admire it? That’s how I still feel even after living with my LifeProof Luxury Vinyl Plank flooring for a year! The post that I did initially on the flooring is my …
We have been considering putting carpet down in our bedrooms for awhile now, but to hold off on the expense we decided just to do an area rug for now in our master bedroom. So in January that’s what we did. I loved the rug, but ever since I put it down I have had …
You know when I come on here and I tell you about a new project and sometimes I am usually doing a happy dance about it? Well for this project..still an awesome one, I think it might be the hubby doing all the happy dancing for this one. But that’s not really a sight you …
I usually don’t do much with Valentine’s Day decorating but I wanted to add something to the front door now that my Christmas wreath is down. Of course if you have been reading this blog for any amount of time you’ll know that I love a simple natural look. So of course a heart grapevine …
One thing I like about our home is that it is heated, 90% with our wood stove. The only rooms that we have the electric heat going is our kids rooms at night because they sleep with the door closed. Even though I really don’t like the aesthetic of a wood stove I love how …
Well, the year is coming to a close and I am looking back at what you enjoyed the most on my page! So here are my top 5 posts this year..oh and not all of them were written this year! Just a little hint on this last one…the entry changed a tad during Christmas vacation…. …