What an honor. I still pinch myself that I was able to experience this incredible opportunity. My long weekend as White House Volunteer Holiday Decorator is one I will never forget and I’d love to tell you about it and answer the many questions I keep getting…
How Did I Get Chosen?
I first heard about “normal” people decorating the White House back in 2016/2017 when someone I was in a Facebook group with went, but I thought he was invited to go. Not until 2020 did I realize that you actually apply to go.
I knew that was something that I wanted to do at some point but I didn’t know how. In 2021 I saw others that I follow on social media decorating the White House. So in 2022 I started looking it up and saw that applications were not open. I kept checking and by the time I checked again they were closed.
I did the same thing in 2023. I missed the application opening. So I put a reminder in my phone for August 1st 2024 to check and they still weren’t open…not setting another reminder. A couple weeks later I saw Beth from @thekingstonhome, who I met 2 years ago, share that the applications were open on her instagram and I went straight to the website and applied. Not thinking I would get chosen since 1000s of people apply each year and they were only selecting 300.
Well in October I got the email (that I almost deleted because the subject line was odd) that I had been chosen but I will be confirmed once I pass a background check.
A week later I received the confirmation. I couldn’t believe it!
Was I Paid or Did They Pay for My Stay?
No and no. This is a volunteer job and I knew that going applying. I also knew that they wouldn’t compensate for my travel and stay but I was told they would offer a discounted rate a few hotels.
They gave us 3 hotel choices that were within walking distance to The White House with very discounted rate and I just chose the most inexpensive one which was a 15 minute (beautiful) walk and the hotel was lovely.
How Long Was I There?
I was selected for the 3 days after Thanksgiving. When you apply you can choose if you want to spend the 3 days in the warehouse prepping and crafting plus loading into The White House, the 3 days in the White House after Thanksgiving crafting and decorating or the whole week. I applied for the whole week just because I wanted something. But was ultimately selected for the days after Thanksgiving.
When my family left for Thanksgiving at a friends house around Noon on Thanksgiving day I started my drive down. It took around 6 hours. Then I stayed until Monday afternoon.
How Did You Know What To Do, Were You In Groups?
When we arrived the first day, bright and early at 7:30am, we were given a badge with our team name and an apron. My team was Clementine and we had 2 team leaders. I was so elated to be on Charlotte’s (@atcharlotteshouse) and Beth’s (@thekingstonhome) team. I have followed Charlotte from my early days of blogging and Beth I have followed for a few years since I met her. It was truly a blessing to be on their team. They were organized, patient, kind and they were just as happy and honored to be there as everyone else. No egos on our team!

Charlotte @AtCharlottesHouse
Our team was made of up of I believe, 18 people from all around the country and all walks of life. We were given tasks from our leaders depending on what our skill set/abilities were and we got to work.
What Rooms Did You Decorate?
Our team was given the task of decorating the Diplomatic Reception Room and the Palm Room.

The Diplomatic Reception Room was really special because it’s where the president and First Lady come into the White House. It is also where all the official pictures are taken with diplomats etc with them. So it would be viewed and photographed a lot this Holiday season.
The Palm Room is also on the White House ground floor with access to the Rose Garden and exterior access to the West Wing (which I was told not to show) but it’s the one at the end of this hallway.
This is the first year the Diplomatic Reception room would be included on the Public Holiday Tours but the Palm room would not.

What crafts/decor did you work on?
The first Day I worked at a table in the Diplomatic Reception room and personally glued every single paper bow to go on the trees in the Palm Room. They were so adorable! It was 3 pieces of paper cut from a Cricut and I folded and hot glued them together. I really want to make them next year for Christmas.
The second day I was sent into the Palm room to do the 4 trees. Thankfully 3 others came in to help so we each had a tree. It was time to place all those bows I glued along with bulbs, and other ornaments my team was making.. I must say these Palm room trees were some of my favorite.
The third day was a finish up day. Our team worked so hard there wasn’t much left to do except finishing touches. So I was sent to other teams to help out. I went up to the State Room and I helped them problem solve a situation, strung paper wreaths to be hung, supervised and held the ladder for Andrew (@craftylumberjacks) while he let down the streamer rolls on the windows.
When I went to the State Room I found out that The Dean of Fine and Performing Arts at New Paltz was there. Which is where I graduated from with a degree in Theater and Communications. So it was fun to hear what was happening in the department.
Did you take a lot of pictures?
We had to drop off our phones when we entered the White House each morning so we could not take pictures of what were were working on etc. We could have our phones the day of the Reception, except we could not get into the two rooms were worked on! They had those closed off which was a bummer but we received some photos from our team leaders.
What happens to all the decorations when it’s over?
They have a whole system and team to remove it all and bring it back to the warehouse.
The team that was at the warehouse the first 3 days started pulling boxes and gathering everything they needed in their rooms. They recycle and re-use so many decor pieces through the years and presidents. In the 4 trees in the Palm room we used gold leaves which we called the “Clinton leaves” because they were used during his presidency.
And when I say most of what you see is handmade by the volunteers I mean it! Everyone was gluing, cutting, gold leafing, painting, stringing anything you can imagine. It’s a huge effort and it’s so amazing to see. And to think that maybe the items we worked on will be used in seasons to come!
Did You Meet the President?
No we did not “meet” him. But while we were there, it was world AIDS Day and for the first time the AIDS quilt was displayed on the White House Lawn. We were invited to the special ceremony with The President and First Lady.
Since I was one of the first ones there so I scooted myself right up to the rope in front of where they were speaking. It was such a special day and walking along the quilt panels seeing the names of the too many who have died.
Dr Jill Biden also invited us to a reception to see the final result on the Monday after decorating. She also spoke there and took pictures with each team. So I didn’t meet her but she did say hi to all of us.
Did they feed you?
Yes, they provided Breakfast and Lunch everyday and there were drinks and some snacks out all day while we worked.
The Reception
At the reception is where we saw everything put back together. It was the first time we saw the furniture back in the rooms. It was incredible to see the projects everyone was working on completed. We had our picture taken with Dr Jill Biden, and she spoke to the crowd about the decor and gave thanks to all the decor and then we were “free” to roam and take pictures. (Except the rooms my team decorated).

Would I do it Again?
Absolutely. Next year, probably not. It is taking away time with family etc so I will probably not apply again until my kids are a little bit older but never say never!
It was such a surreal experience. Everyone from the staff, the secret service, the volunteers were just so friendly and kind. You could tell everyone was just excited to be there.
What other questions do you have?

Wednesday 18th of December 2024
I'd love to know what kind of questions they asked you on the questionnaire.
Tara Boettger
Wednesday 15th of January 2025
I can't remember exactly but it was short and straight forward. What are your skills if you have them ie, florals, diy, crafts etc. Asked about any military or teacher/nurse experience I think and then a general question of why do you want to do it. I think that was it...