Well it’s been over 6 weeks since our newest little one arrived. Now, I can honestly say that having two kids is completely different than having one. I knew it would be different but I had no idea.
I thought I was prepared. I read articles, asked other Moms and even tried to figure out a schedule of what I would do and when. By the time she came home from the hospital, I can tell you that I wasn’t prepared.
If you are expecting another little one, or even a third or fourth, I have come up with a small list of things to do before they arrive with the hopes to make your life a little less hectic.
- Sort, take inventory, organize previous child’s clothing. If your new addition will be wearing the same clothes as their older sibling, go through and inspect what you have. Things to look for when sorting are: do the seasons match up? Did they actually wear it? (If not, chances are the second will not either.) Do you love it? Is it practical? Then sell or donate the rest!
- Inspect the equipment. Does the swing still work? Is the car seat expired? Does the stroller have a loose wheel. Do you need to purchase a second of something because it’s still in use? These are all things that need to be checked BEFORE the next child. You don’t want to be on a shopping trip with two kids and have the wheel fall off the stroller!
- Wash and clean all clothing and equipment. I washed EVERYTHING before the arrival of little Miss Molly. If it had fabric on it, it was thrown in the wash. I also made sure to use a gentle laundry detergent like all® free clear detergent. I am very sensitive to smells. I can’t stand the smell of potent cleaners, perfumes and even deodorant. So using a laundry detergent that doesn’t have scent is a priority. And with new babies you will want something that doesn’t have the chemicals that can irritate their skin.
- Get the half completed projects done. I use to do a ton of my DIY’s during nap time. Well, now I spend my oldest’s nap time trying to get the baby to nap so I can do some of these projects…or at least sleep! Complete the projects so you’re not always trying to find the time to do them. Trust me. I have a coffee table, shelves and a chair that are just sitting waiting to be painted.
- Find help. When you bring that little one home from the hospital the other siblings are going to want and need your complete attention. Finding some help will help alleviate some of the guilt you might feel. Help could be in the form of keeping the siblings entertained or even just rocking the new baby while you sit and play a game with the others. Thankfully my Mom stayed for 3 weeks which helped tremendously in getting my son acclimated to this new person that just showed up one day!
- Find a gift for your other child that you can wrap and bring to the hospital. We purchased a book of trucks and when my son came to meet his new sister in the hospital we gave it to him and told him it was from her. It’s just a little gesture that might help with the transition. Who doesn’t like someone who brings them gifts?
- Stock up on the essentials. With my older child and with the newest, I stocked up on household items that we need all the time. Toilet paper, toothpaste, paper towels etc. I didn’t want to go to throw something out and realize we didn’t have any more garbage bags. Trust me your shopping experience will never be the same with two kids. Try to avoid at all costs!
- Relax, spend some quality time with the family and sleep! Your life is about to get a little more hectic. Enjoy your time as a family now and brace yourself for a complete 180. But it’s so worth it.
Do you have something to add to this list? Let me know!
Some of my favorite items for baby!
Saturday 30th of July 2016
These are great tips! Number 6 is my favorite! #client
Teresa Nichols
Thursday 28th of July 2016
so glad your back on line ....I have been missing you ....your little family is beautiful ....thanks for all the tips I so enjoy reading your blog.....
Monday 1st of August 2016
Thank you Teresa! Life is busy with two little ones now!
Thursday 28th of July 2016
Those are great tips Tara! I love be idea of getting the older child a present from the baby. I am going to have to do that for Lucy!