Everyone thought I was crazy when I purchased my white Ektorp Sectional Sofa from IKEA. I purchased it last year, the month before I was due with my second child.
But, I knew since I had done a lot of research, how great it is to have a white SLIPCOVERED sofa when you have kids. I can just throw it in the wash!
Since having the sofa for the past year, I must admit I still cringe a little when I see my son jumping on it with his dirty feet or sometimes checking and re checking his sticky little hands before he goes near it.
Since getting the sofa I have not attempted to wash it. To me, it still looked great and I could only see a little bit of dirt on it when I got close.
Well, that all came to an end this weekend. My big fluffy orange cat hacked up a huge fur ball on my big beautiful white couch. Ugh.
I immediately took off the two cushion covers that were hit and sprayed them with some Oxiclean Max. Gotta love the stuff!
Threw them in the wash with another towel and hoped for the best.
The verdict! Perfect! The stain came out and then I put them back on…
They are so bright and white I think it’s time to wash the rest of the couch!
What I’m trying to tell you in this post is that if you want a white couch, go for it. I love the way it looks, I loved the price and I the convenience of throwing the slip covers in the wash.
If they get really stained, you can also purchase a new slip cover instead of replacing the couch. Or if you really want to get crazy go for a different color..red anyone?
Denise thompson
Tuesday 3rd of November 2020
I wish I could hire you to do my home!! We have the same taste in decor. I have been in my house for eight years and just have not had the time or extra money.
Beautiful work!!!