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How to Propagate Hydrangeas

When you get your first Hydrangea bush, you’re hooked. These beautiful bushes with big blooms are a staple in any garden.

They’re also perfect to make a beautiful Hydrangea Hedge Row. But…purchasing that many bushes can get expensive so why not grow more Hydrangeas for free by propagating them!

Propagating Hydrangeas is relatively easy. But there are a few things you can do to achieve success.

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How to Propagate Hydrangea

Cut a branch about 4-5″ down, right under a leaf node. It works best if you cut a branch that there wasn’t a bloom on that year.

Remove all the leaves on the stem except for the top two.

Cut the top two leaves in half. This saves the energy into producing roots.

Dip the end of the stem in water and then tip into rooting hormone shaking off the excess.

Stick a pencil down into the soil and place the stems. Making sure that at least one leaf node is covered.

If you’re placing more than one in a pot then place them at least 2-3 inches apart.

Press the soil around the stem to keep them secure.

Water well but not soggy.

If you are propagating them in the Spring you can set your pots out in indirect sun.

If you are propagating them in late summer I create a mini greenhouse using a clear tote and place the pots inside. Putting the lid on.

Place outside in indirect sun.

When watering make sure the top of the soil is almost dry. Hydrangeas like water but well drained.

If you give them a little pull and feel resistance that means they are starting to root and will be ready soon! Some cuttings will start to root in a week but they will be ready for planting in 4-6 weeks.

When they are rooted you can do a few things to overwinter them. If it’s early enough (September ish in colder climates) you can plant them in the ground where you want them. This will give them time to acclimate to the soil and slowly go dormant.

What usually kills cuttings is when there is a fast frost. If you know a frost is coming, cover and protect them.

You can also keep the cutting in their pots and move to a cold frame or unheated shed.

Another way is the place the pots near the foundation of your home and cover them with clay pots or bury the pots in the ground and cover with leaves, mulch etc.

In the Spring they will be ready for planting!

Have more tips on Propagating Hydrangea? Put them in the comments!