Well it finally happened! We have closed on our new house! After 3 years of on and off looking we are in our forever home. We put the offer in on February 17th (my birthday) and we closed on May 20th.
It feels so good to finally be in our own home…and now the fun can begin! I have always been in an apartment with the hopes to be in my own home, so I have never decorated, bought furniture or made the place home. Now I can and I plan to do it on a small budget, and take you along for the ride.
Oh and there is one more thing…3 weeks after we put the offer on the house, we found out that we are expecting our first child! Here’s our Facebook announcement:
We love our announcement. We wanted it to be unique and showed our personality. Since my husband loves to brew his own beer it made perfect sense.
So welcome to our journey and enjoy the ride!